交替的电流(AC)偶然受限的最佳功率流(CC-OPF)问题解决了发电不确定性下发电和交付的经济效率。由于可再生能源量大量,后者是现代电网的内在固有的。尽管取得了学术上的成功,但AC CC-OPF问题是高度非线性和计算要求的,这限制了其实际影响。为了改善AC-OPF问题的复杂性/准确性权衡,本文提出了一种快速数据驱动的设置,该设置使用稀疏和混合的高斯流程(GP)框架,以模拟具有输入不确定性的功率流程方程。我们提倡通过数值研究对拟议方法的效率,而与最新方法相比,多个IEEE测试用例的效率快两倍,更准确。
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近年来,电力发电已导致美国超过四分之一的温室气体排放。将大量的可再生能源整合到电网中可能是减少电网中碳排放并减缓气候变化的最易于使用的方法。不幸的是,风和太阳能等最容易获得的可再生能源是高度波动的,因此给电网操作带来了很多不确定性,并挑战了现有的优化和控制政策。偶然受限的交流电(AC)最佳功率流(OPF)框架找到了最低成本生成的调度,以保持较低的概率将电网操作保持在安全限制之内。不幸的是,AC-OPF问题的偶然性约束扩展是非登记,计算挑战性的,需要了解系统参数以及有关可再生分布行为的其他假设。已知的线性和凸近似于上述问题,尽管可以进行操作,但对于操作实践来说太保守了,并且不考虑系统参数的不确定性。本文提出了一种基于高斯流程(GP)回归以缩小此差距的替代数据驱动方法。 GP方法学习了一个简单但非凸的数据驱动的近似值,可以包含不确定性输入的交流功率流程。然后,通过考虑输入和参数不确定性,将后者用于有效地确定CC-OPF的解。在众多IEEE测试案例中,说明了使用不同近似值的GP不确定性传播的拟议方法的实际效率。
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This paper tackles the challenging problem of automating code updates to fix deprecated API usages of open source libraries by analyzing their release notes. Our system employs a three-tier architecture: first, a web crawler service retrieves deprecation documentation from the web; then a specially built parser processes those text documents into tree-structured representations; finally, a client IDE plugin locates and fixes identified deprecated usages of libraries in a given codebase. The focus of this paper in particular is the parsing component. We introduce a novel transition-based parser in two variants: based on a classical feature engineered classifier and a neural tree encoder. To confirm the effectiveness of our method, we gathered and labeled a set of 426 API deprecations from 7 well-known Python data science libraries, and demonstrated our approach decisively outperforms a non-trivial neural machine translation baseline.
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In addition to being a widely recognised novelist, Milan Kundera has also authored three pieces for theatre: The Owners of the Keys (Majitel\'e kl\'i\v{c}\r{u}, 1961), The Blunder (Pt\'akovina, 1967), and Jacques and his Master (Jakub a jeho p\'an, 1971). In recent years, however, the hypothesis has been raised that Kundera is the true author of a fourth play: Juro J\'ano\v{s}\'ik, first performed in a 1974 production under the name of Karel Steigerwald, who was Kundera's student at the time. In this study, we make use of supervised machine learning to settle the question of authorship attribution in the case of Juro J\'ano\v{s}\'ik, with results strongly supporting the hypothesis of Kundera's authorship.
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This paper presents a conversational AI platform called Flowstorm. Flowstorm is an open-source SaaS project suitable for creating, running, and analyzing conversational applications. Thanks to the fast and fully automated build process, the dialogues created within the platform can be executed in seconds. Furthermore, we propose a novel dialogue architecture that uses a combination of tree structures with generative models. The tree structures are also used for training NLU models suitable for specific dialogue scenarios. However, the generative models are globally used across applications and extend the functionality of the dialogue trees. Moreover, the platform functionality benefits from out-of-the-box components, such as the one responsible for extracting data from utterances or working with crawled data. Additionally, it can be extended using a custom code directly in the platform. One of the essential features of the platform is the possibility to reuse the created assets across applications. There is a library of prepared assets where each developer can contribute. All of the features are available through a user-friendly visual editor.
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In this paper, we perform an exhaustive evaluation of different representations to address the intent classification problem in a Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) setup. We benchmark three types of systems to perform the SLU intent detection task: 1) text-based, 2) lattice-based, and a novel 3) multimodal approach. Our work provides a comprehensive analysis of what could be the achievable performance of different state-of-the-art SLU systems under different circumstances, e.g., automatically- vs. manually-generated transcripts. We evaluate the systems on the publicly available SLURP spoken language resource corpus. Our results indicate that using richer forms of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) outputs allows SLU systems to improve in comparison to the 1-best setup (4% relative improvement). However, crossmodal approaches, i.e., learning from acoustic and text embeddings, obtains performance similar to the oracle setup, and a relative improvement of 18% over the 1-best configuration. Thus, crossmodal architectures represent a good alternative to overcome the limitations of working purely automatically generated textual data.
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This paper describes a simple yet efficient repetition-based modular system for speeding up air-traffic controllers (ATCos) training. E.g., a human pilot is still required in EUROCONTROL's ESCAPE lite simulator (see https://www.eurocontrol.int/simulator/escape) during ATCo training. However, this need can be substituted by an automatic system that could act as a pilot. In this paper, we aim to develop and integrate a pseudo-pilot agent into the ATCo training pipeline by merging diverse artificial intelligence (AI) powered modules. The system understands the voice communications issued by the ATCo, and, in turn, it generates a spoken prompt that follows the pilot's phraseology to the initial communication. Our system mainly relies on open-source AI tools and air traffic control (ATC) databases, thus, proving its simplicity and ease of replicability. The overall pipeline is composed of the following: (1) a submodule that receives and pre-processes the input stream of raw audio, (2) an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system that transforms audio into a sequence of words; (3) a high-level ATC-related entity parser, which extracts relevant information from the communication, i.e., callsigns and commands, and finally, (4) a speech synthesizer submodule that generates responses based on the high-level ATC entities previously extracted. Overall, we show that this system could pave the way toward developing a real proof-of-concept pseudo-pilot system. Hence, speeding up the training of ATCos while drastically reducing its overall cost.
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National research evaluation initiatives and incentive schemes have previously chosen between simplistic quantitative indicators and time-consuming peer review, sometimes supported by bibliometrics. Here we assess whether artificial intelligence (AI) could provide a third alternative, estimating article quality using more multiple bibliometric and metadata inputs. We investigated this using provisional three-level REF2021 peer review scores for 84,966 articles submitted to the UK Research Excellence Framework 2021, matching a Scopus record 2014-18 and with a substantial abstract. We found that accuracy is highest in the medical and physical sciences Units of Assessment (UoAs) and economics, reaching 42% above the baseline (72% overall) in the best case. This is based on 1000 bibliometric inputs and half of the articles used for training in each UoA. Prediction accuracies above the baseline for the social science, mathematics, engineering, arts, and humanities UoAs were much lower or close to zero. The Random Forest Classifier (standard or ordinal) and Extreme Gradient Boosting Classifier algorithms performed best from the 32 tested. Accuracy was lower if UoAs were merged or replaced by Scopus broad categories. We increased accuracy with an active learning strategy and by selecting articles with higher prediction probabilities, as estimated by the algorithms, but this substantially reduced the number of scores predicted.
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This paper explores semi-supervised training for sequence tasks, such as Optical Character Recognition or Automatic Speech Recognition. We propose a novel loss function $\unicode{x2013}$ SoftCTC $\unicode{x2013}$ which is an extension of CTC allowing to consider multiple transcription variants at the same time. This allows to omit the confidence based filtering step which is otherwise a crucial component of pseudo-labeling approaches to semi-supervised learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a challenging handwriting recognition task and conclude that SoftCTC matches the performance of a finely-tuned filtering based pipeline. We also evaluated SoftCTC in terms of computational efficiency, concluding that it is significantly more efficient than a na\"ive CTC-based approach for training on multiple transcription variants, and we make our GPU implementation public.
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The short-term prediction of precipitation is critical in many areas of life. Recently, a large body of work was devoted to forecasting radar reflectivity images. The radar images are available only in areas with ground weather radars. Thus, we aim to predict high-resolution precipitation from lower-resolution satellite radiance images. A neural network called WeatherFusionNet is employed to predict severe rain up to eight hours in advance. WeatherFusionNet is a U-Net architecture that fuses three different ways to process the satellite data; predicting future satellite frames, extracting rain information from the current frames, and using the input sequence directly. Using the presented method, we achieved 1st place in the NeurIPS 2022 Weather4Cast Core challenge. The code and trained parameters are available at \url{https://github.com/Datalab-FIT-CTU/weather4cast-2022}.
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